Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thank Goddess for Sisters!

Sister Sentiment
This week I have the luxury of spending time with both of my sisters. My youngest sister surprised us this week by flying into town and showing up on my other sister's doorstep. She has done this at least three times in recent years, and we have returned the favor once. Gotta love it when one of your best friends shows up to play.

We lost our Mother two months ago today, on Valentine's Day. Our grieving process is ongoing, but is eased by our being together and sharing stories and photos of our Mom and family. Call or visit your sister and mother (and brother and father!) today and express your appreciation and love. It's all there is.

My Mother, July 1942


  1. Thank you for that lovely post. I think about your Mutti a lot... and you and your wonderful, beautiful sisters! What a gift.

  2. Just wanted to let you know I'm so sorry to hear about losing your mom. This is a very touching post, and makes me grateful for the time I have with my family.
