Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ashford Niddy-Noddy with Freshly Spun Wool Yarn

This is one of the first skeins I plied at the inspiring spinning workshop with Celia Quinn this past weekend. Each of the singles yarns had been spun ahead of time in preparation for the plying exercise in my style of thick and thin. By the second day I was capable of spinning very thin, even, strong wool warp yarn with relative ease. My friend Jaye and I made quantum leaps in our personal spinning abilities and are looking forward to experimenting with the novelty yarn techniques which we practiced on the third day. I'll post some pictures of these skeins as they magically appear via the long draw spinning method which I learned from Celia as well. I highly recommend Celia Quinn as a spinning teacher. She is thorough, has a sense of humor, and encourages her students to reach beyond their perceived limitations.

Handspun Yarn

Unspun Fiber Plus Handspun Skein
Spinning Workshop Taught by Celia Quinn
My Lendrum Spinning Wheel with New Fiber

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