Sunday, November 4, 2007

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) Calendar

nano-cal11.jpg, originally uploaded by Gun-gun.

I found this inspiring calendar page by fellow flickreeno Gun-gun while surfing flickr a bit ago. It will be essential to refer to it as I write my novel this month. The target word count in a cumulative sequence is given at the top of each date, with the goal of 50,000 words by November 30th in bright red. I can contemplate the beauty of these blooms as I meet my goals each day.

I'm trying to maintain a balanced schedule as I undertake this task, taking time to exercise and eat good meals, make sure I have my daily ritual of tea, spin some of my Ragamuffin yarn, keep in touch with friends and writing buddies, talk to my mother every day--she is a great source of storylines--and not overwhelm myself in the process. On with the novel writing!

Polish Tea Cup and Saucer
Ragamuffin Handspun Rag Yarn Collage


  1. I love your Ragamuffin yarn! (I know I say this each time I see it, but I do!)

    Hooray for taking the leap and doing NaNoWriMo!!

  2. wow - huge task ahead of you - best of luck :)
