Saturday, May 30, 2009

My Very First Skein of Wheel-Spun Wool

This skein was spun on a Louet S-10 spinning wheel at a class at the Black Sheep in Encinitas, California, circa 1989. For a number of years I had been spinning with a hand spindle. In 1995 I traded a Bond Knitting Frame for a Lendrum spinning wheel, my faithful Rapunzel.

At about the same time, I took up quilting in earnest, so Rapunzel languished near the fireplace for many moons. Eventually I joined local guilds and enrolled in a series of spinning and weaving classes and haven't stopped spinning since. It's a constant joy in my life.

Rapunzel, My Lendrum Spinning Wheel
My Dorothy Table Loom by Nilus LeClerc


  1. Oi. Parabéns pelo excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar o meu blog e conhecer um pouco sobre nossa luta contra o comunismo no Brasil. Abração

  2. Hi! Just wanted you to know that I gave you the “Lovely Blog Award”
    You can read about it here:

  3. Thank you so much, Angie! Much appreciated.
