Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Autumn Tableau

Autumn Tableau, originally uploaded by confections.

I've put together a seasonal table to celebrate autumn and to give thanks that I am currently safe in the face of the horrible wildfires raging throughout San Diego County, California. One of my good friends has been evacuated from her home; she is safe and sound with her parents at the moment, and we hope she and her husband will be able to go back to their home in the next few days. Many have not been so lucky and my heart goes out to them. Blessed be!

In the little hand-thrown bowl here (a thrift shop find) are lady apples, tiny little specimens that my husband calls "one-bite apples". I love anything in miniature, even fruit! The mini-pumpkin and the lady apples came from my local food co-op. The fall leaves, the acorn, and the buckeye arrived lovingly hand-packed with some treasures from my sister in Pennsylvania. She knows that I get homesick for the maple-covered hills of my home state and the essence of autumn at this time of year. Grazie, Cinzia!
Bowl with Lady Apples

Signs of the Season

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